6 Temmuz 2016 Çarşamba

Politicians Do The Funniest Things

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Sözcü Newspaper, 6 July 2016)

Camiyi sattı, hurda uçak aldı
Image result for library signs
(there's still some gas in the tank)

Mayor İrfan Dinç of Çankırı was faced with a 1,030,000 TL
(about 300,000 USD) tax debt so he sold the 831 square meter
plot on which the Bademlik Mosque sits to Milli Emlak, the
state agency for land matters.  However, instead of paying the
tax debt, Mayor Dinç bought a disused Airbus airplane (!).

Mayor Dinç and Boynukalın at the airborne library opening.

Mayor Dinç, of the ruling AKP party, has held his post for 12 years.
He decided to buy the junked 375-passenger Airbus A300 plane for
300,000 TL from Turkish Airlines (THY).  The plane was brought
to Çankırı by trucks and positioned in Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Park (!).

Image result for abdurrahim boynukalın
Boynukalın rabble rousing last year at the attack on Hürriyet.

After buying the plane, Mayor Dinç also rented a 100 year-old
locomotive and a rail car from TCDD, the Turkish railway agency,
also for use as part of the library.  The mayor had Youth and Sports
Ministry Deputy Abdurrahman Boynukalın, who made a name for
himself by leading the attack on Hürriyet Newspaper last year (!),
preside at the library opening.

Mayor Dinç explained that "if we tried to build a library the size
of the plane it would cost at least 1,000,000 TL.  But we bought
this plane for 300,000 TL and turned it into a library."

Image result for çankırı haritası
                      Çankırı province

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